Download the Free Guide to Light Body Creation....
The Ancient Key to Living
an Empowered Life
- There are 5 core causes of illness and suffering, 5 causes of dynamic health and an empowered, luminous mind.
- Element Energy Healing uses form, light and sound to change deep-seated imbalances and obstacles.
- From the ancient wisdom of Tibet and India to the mystery schools of Pythagoras, 5 Element work is a focused, accurate yet gentle form of energy healing that works directly with the fundamental building blocks of body and mind.
What Are These 5 Forces that Determine Our Fate?
and How Can I Use Them to Heal Body & Mind?
The Five Element model is one of the oldest, most enduring ideas in the history of humanity, and for good reason! These formative forces determine literally everything that goes on with our health, our well-being, our happiness, our success. Finally, these teachings and practical methods of transformation, from the era of Egypt, Greece, India and Tibet have now been integrated with the insights of modern Western psychology and bioenergy, creating a fusion of ancient and modern Wisdom ....
Vital Body
- Health depends on life's 5 primary forces.
- Illness is excess, deficiency, distortion of the 5.
- Methods of working directly with Elements are an ancient, powerful, proven path to health.
Connected Spirit
- Spiritual development means purifying the Elements into their Wisdom form.
- This is the basis of the undying Rainbow Body.
- Body, mind and and Ultimate Mind become united, and we can bring this into daily life.
Empowered Mind
- The Pentad Mind is the basis of all goodness, but also all suffering and negativity.
- Elemental work is an elegant path to returning the mind to its original peace, clarity and power.
Transformed Life
- 5 Element Healing impacts the outer world to shift, transform and respond differently.
- The real path to success in career, relationships, and materiality is the harmonious balance of the Elements and how we express them.
The ways of working directly with the elements have been perfected over thousands of years, but these secrets have been hidden and unavailable. For the very first time these are open to a modern audience, in a powerful and immediately usable form that can be easily integrated into daily life.
Since the five elements are the basis of body, mind, people, relationships and events, there is a vast and deep body of knowledge related to the 5 elements. But even a basic understanding can transform our way of dealing with our health, our thoughts, our lives. Browse below for a basic introduction to a lifelong journey of wholeness.

This series of Modules brings together the 5 Element wisdom scattering across time and culture, with a particular focus on the Tibetan Buddhist methods of elemental transformation. They integrate the best of modern biophysics, ancient meditative science and cutting edge psychology, distilled over a 40 year period of investigation, inner work, teaching and healing practice.

MODULE 1—Self Healing
- 8 core meditations of 5 Element Healing
- Returning mindbody to original purity
- Creates strength, power, clarity.

MODULE 2—Healing Others
- Finding the core Elemental disruption
- Working with toxicity, deficiency, excess. etc.
- Sequence of Element rebuilding.

MODULE 3—Elemental Psychology
- An elegant, accurate, understanding of mind.
- 3 Phases of inner change and transformation, for inner power, freedom from loss and shadow
- Integrating the best of psychology with the wisdom of energy, spirit, meditation & sound

MODULE 4—Teacher Training
- Requires completion of all previous Levels.
- A sequence of special methods and practices
- Live and in person training and interviews
- Authorization and certification to teach various levels of 5 Element Energy Healing.
Our Bodies, Minds, our world, is created and nourished by
five archetypal forces that emanate from formless consciousness
What People Have to Say...
“Students are taught how to get to the root of the problems that rob us of our true essence. This has been a transforming experience.”
Becca, St. Louis, 2016
“Dr. Asa gave me an intuitive understanding of the 5 elements in everyday life. While the program was very informative, it was also fun and lighthearted.”
Dan, Minnesota, 2017
“Employing the timeless wisdom of the 5 Elements in harmony with modern science, Asa is a humorous and skillful teacher of this path of truly holistic health.”
Michael, Taos, 2017
“Dr. Asa showed an incredibly deep knowledge of the material, providing sources of his research and an authenticity of his words."
Anna, St. Louis, 2017
“His training aided me in reflecting on imbalances and creating inner harmony and calm; An enjoyable side-effect are the beautiful colorful lights from within, in meditation and dreamwork.”
Jeanette, Berlin, 2016